
Looking for Partners

In connection with the growing demand for organic products at the European and global markets, Ukraine is ranked on 4th position of organic imports into the EU. we hereby invite You for cooperation and investments. We offer our land, production and agricultural capacities, as well as 265 hectares of certified organic land. Partnership and investments into LandOrganic (Zemlia Organic), which is located in Ukraine, has some obvious advantages, including, among others, access to the European markets for export purposes and a lower net cost. 

We offer

265-hectares bank of land for the growing of organic products, with potential for expansion

3 years of experience in growing and sale of organic raspberry

35 product units certified

Organic Сertification according to the EU standards

Traditionally fertile soils of Ukraine

Own shock-freezing capacities, with potential for expansion


LOW NET COST of growing and picking in comparison with the EU countries

SYSTEMATIC CONTROL over correspondence to the standards

REGULAR SCHEDULED INSPECTION of the state of lands and crops

Access to export – 75 km ro the EU border

FAST IMPLEMENTATION OF SOLUTIONS and changes due to the simple organizational structure and relatively small size of the company